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The Whispered World Special Edition Download

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  • To get FULLSCREEN (if youre pro just scroll to TL;DR) 1. Access windows explorer and go to - C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonThe Whispered World Special Edition -Right-click the file twwse.exe (application) -Click Properties -Click Compatibility panel at top (next to General) -Now select the box that says 'Override high DPI scaling behavior.' -Apply, and hit OK 2.
  • The Whispered World Special Edition Guides Patatas's Guides. The Whispered World Walkthrough. By Patatas This guide covers all the necessary steps you need to take to finish the game without prolonging the end. The difficult puzzles are explained in detail. The items you need to pick up are underlined so you can find them.

Chapter 1: The Autumn Forest

The Whispered World Special Edition is a full version program only available for Windows, being part of the category Games with subcategory Adventure and has been created by Daedalic Entertainment. More about The Whispered World Special Edition. The current version of the program is 2016 and was updated on.


Open the drawer on the left and take the note from inside, then read it in your inventory. Also read the torn note on the wall. While you are here, press the H key on your keyboard 10 times Honking Shoes (this will only work with subtitles and commentary turned off; you can turn them back on again afterwards). Now open the door and leave your trailer.

Pick up Spot and put him in the bucket next to Ben Ball Spot. Use Ball Spot on Ben to find out you gave him starchy water, then talk to Ben about everything else. Also talk to Grandpa, and try to talk to Bruno. Look at the fire dragon trap, then head left into the forest. Talk to Ben again and ask him where to find a map and a compass.

Transform Spot between his 2 different forms a total of 500 times Master of Disguise.

Head back into the trailer and try to open the stove. Look at the hole in the top, then use Normal Spot on the hole. Take the casket from inside the stove. Open the bear's mouth and take the key from inside, then use this on the casket in your inventory - now look at the map in your inventory. Go back outside and talk to Grandpa, and he will give you his compass. Enter his trailer and take the hairnet, dentures and handkerchief. Close the door and take the cork from behind it, then open the door and leave again. Pick up the shovel to the left of your trailer, then enter the forest again.


Talk to the messenger. Pick up the branch from the ground, and combine it with your hair net. Use this on the lake to get a fish, then give the fish to the messenger - you will end up with a fish-bone. Talk to the messenger about Shana, then leave.


Examine the engravings on the stone tongue to the left. Use your handkerchief to clear away the moss above the engravings, then look at the hole and the escutcheon that are revealed. Look at the turtles on either side of the statue, then go back to the shore.


Talk to the messenger and you will receive the Whispering Stone.


Place the Whispering Stone in the hole in the statue; after an earthquake, Spot will swallow the stone.


Bobby (the messenger) will be gone, but you can pick up the knife and bombs from the ground.


Use your knife on the shrub, then go through the archway to a new area. Talk to the rock brothers here, and if you answer their questions correctly you will be given some stone powder (Shana is a mysterious snake creature, Moreyes have 11 eyes, Kalida lives on an island at the center of the lake). Open the door to the right and walk through, but you don't end up going anywhere. Repeat this a total of 10 times He's never gonna learn.. before walking around the back of the door and going through in reverse.

Inside, look at the globe, armchair and clock. Go back out through the door and talk to the rock brothers to get a hint about the time 'half past noon'. Go back through the door to enter Shana's cabin again. Save your game, then examine the clock once more. Use your fish-bone to add an hour hand to the clock, then set the time to 12:30 and press the button in the middle. Take the note that the light shines on, then look at the note in your inventory to see what time your are supposed to wash Bruno. Set the time to 12:15 and press the button in the middle again. Take another highlighted note, look at your schedule and see what time you are supposed to watch the sunrise. Set the time to 5:30 and press the button in the middle one last time to make Shana appear For Whom the Bell Tolls. If you want to get all achievements, reload your game and examine the clock, then select to skip the mini-game by clicking the red X button at the top right.

Talk to Shana about everything, then return outside and go back to the first part of the ruins. Look at the shadow newt here, then leave the area.


Try to take the lightning bugs, then plug the hole in the tree with your cork before trying to take them again. Move the rock they went beneath, then use your shovel on the bleak spot here to dig a hole. Climb down the hole and examine the puddle here to realise it smells like petroleum. Continue through the cave and you will end up at the top of the tree. Look at the lake and the island in the middle of it, then climb back down. Try to collect some resin from the try using the knife, but you need something to hold it.


Enter your trailer and look at the electricity on the pipes to get a headache a pass out. Examine the note on the wall above your bed to see all the ingredients you need for your human cannonball act. Pick up the bear claw from the rug, then go outside. Talk to grandpa about everything, then talk to Ben about everything, and find out he is scared of Asgil with sharp claws, 2 heads and sharp teeth. Try to take the pantaloons, but Ben won't let you.


Pick up the 2 turtles from either side of the statue.


Try to take the bowl from the central totem, but it is held on too tight. Use Ball Spot on the bowl to break it, then pick it up. Approach the cave and look at the spiderweb and the mushrooms on the walls. Go back outside and leave the area.


Use your bowl to collect resin from the tree.


In your inventory, combine the resin, turtles, dentures and bear claw. Show your creation to Ben, then quickly pick up the ball and take the pantaloons from the clothes line.

Silence The Whispered World


Give your red ball to the dragon newt, then take the Noahi egg.


Place the Noahi egg in the trap and you will catch some fire dragons. Use Normal Spot on the fire dragons Fire Spot.

The whispered world special edition downloads


Enter the cave and use Fire Spot on the spiderweb. Continue into the deeper part of the cave and look at the eyes. Use Ball Spot on the eyes to reveal a large fish encased in ice. Pick up the rope from the ground, then return outside.


Enter Grandpa's trailer and use your new rope on the cauldron of petroleum soup to create a fuse cord, then combine this with your bombs. Return outside and then enter your own trailer. Pick up the hat from the floor and combine it with the stone powder you got earlier, to make a petrified hat.


Climb down the hole and place your bombs in the puddle. Use Fire Spot on the bombs, then climb up to the top of the tree. Put your petrified hat in the hole here, then sit in the hat Cannonball Ride.

The Whispered World Special Edition Download


Enter the cave and use Fire Spot on the spiderweb. Continue into the deeper part of the cave and look at the eyes. Use Ball Spot on the eyes to reveal a large fish encased in ice. Pick up the rope from the ground, then return outside.


Enter Grandpa's trailer and use your new rope on the cauldron of petroleum soup to create a fuse cord, then combine this with your bombs. Return outside and then enter your own trailer. Pick up the hat from the floor and combine it with the stone powder you got earlier, to make a petrified hat.


Climb down the hole and place your bombs in the puddle. Use Fire Spot on the bombs, then climb up to the top of the tree. Put your petrified hat in the hole here, then sit in the hat Cannonball Ride.

Chapter 2: Kalida's Awakening


After Mulachei leaves, look at the statue, the pole and the bubbles. Head up to the right to reach a bridge. Try to take the rope from the left, but it is knotted too tight for you to remove. Cross over the bridge.


Look at the bell hanging above you - you can't reach it and there is no rope to help ring it. Try to open the door on the hut to the left here, but it is locked. Enter the building to the right (an old pearl factory) and pick up the flint from the ground, then go back outside and climb further up the staircase. Enter the open door and talk to Bando. Take the tooth from the rug (it becomes a hook). Go back outside and head all the way back down to the bridge.


Use your flint to get the rope, and also pick up the broken shovel from the ground here. Combine the hook and rope in your inventory. Return over the bridge.


Use the hook and rope on the bell, then pull the rope. After you hear Bando get in trouble, go up the stairs and enter his house. Steal his ladder and the key hanging beneath the window. Return outside and use the key on the locked door of the hut below. Go inside and take the parchment and baton. Try to blow the horn, but it is clogged up. Use Ball Spot on the horn. Return to Bando's house and take the sock from his stool. Close the door, then look in the mouse-hole you reveal. Use the sock on the mouse-hole, then pick up the mouse while it is distracted. Go outside again and use the mouse on the pantaloons that you blew out of the horn.

Go up to the very top of the mountain and try to enter the top house - if Bando is still getting in trouble, go down to the bridge, then back up and try again. Talk to Ruben about everything, then leave again. Outside his house, use the ladder on the open window, then climb inside. Use your pantaloons on the Kerrek to tie its mouth shut, then head upstairs. Examine the bed and the nail in the floor, then take a pearl from the large pile in the back of the room. Leave the house - it doesn't matter if Ruben wakes up when you leave.

Go to Bando's hut to find out he needs a shovel. Try to give him the broken one, but he doesn't want it. Head right and collect the ax and the broken cogwheel. Now leave here and return to the shore.


Use the ax on the pole in the water and you will end up with part of it. Combine this with the broken shovel to repair it.


Go back to Bando and give him the fixed shovel. Enter the factory, which is now up and running. Pick up another broken cogwheel from the floor, then go back to Bando's hut and through to the right. Place both halves of your broken cogwheel into the vice, then use Fire Spot on the vice. Use your fixed cogwheel on the mechanism, then rearrange the cogwheels so they connect from left to right. Pull the lever and if the cogwheels are correctly positioned the door will open. Head on through.

Far Side of the Island

Enter the hut and save your game, then talk to Mulachei and play his game Check Mate:


If you want to get all achievements, reload your game and examine the clock, then select to skip the mini-game by clicking the red X button at the top right. Talk to Mulachei again, then take the candle behind him, before going back outside. Look at the signpost to the right, then go along the path behind the cabin. Look at the Yakis under the tree, then return to the cabin. Blow out all of the candles. When the Yaki appears, try to catch it, and it will appear on a barrel next to the cabin. Try to catch it again, then use Ball Spot on the barrel. Try to catch it again, and it will appear on the signpost to the far right. Try to catch it again, then use your ax on the signpost. Go back to Bando's hut.


Blow out the candles in the hut. Go right and open the cabinet to the right of the vice, and a Yaki will emerge and go through the hut. Go through the hut to the path, and blow out all the candles down to the shore. Go back up and climb into Ruben's house using the ladder. Go upstairs and use your candle on the nail in the floor. Use Fire Spot on the candle to reveal the final Yaki under the bed.

Far Side of the Island

Go back through Bando's hut to the clearing behind Mulachei's hut and there should now be 5 sleeping Yakis. Now you just need to wake them up and guide them to the shore. Head back through Bando's hut again.


Go to the pearl factory and use Normal Spot on the molding press. Turn the wheel to the left Five Spot. Go outside and take the ladder from outside Ruben's house. Go back to the pearl factory and use the ladder on the hatch, then climb down. Climb back up with Five Spot and go through Bando's hut again.

Far Side of the Island

Use Five Spot on the Yakis, and they will now follow you. Assuming you have blown out all the candles, head back through Bando's hut.


Continue all the way down to the shore.


The Yakis will now be sitting on the five arms of the statue. Look at the note in your inventory to see 5 musical notes. You need to use your baton on the Yakis to make them sing and generate this melody:

  1. Top right
  2. Top left
  3. Bottom right
  4. Middle right
  5. Bottom left

If you do this correctly, Kalida will awaken Kalida Awakes.

Chapter 3: The Asgil


Pathfinder: kingmaker - varnholds lot download free. Pick up the stein from on the platform, then walk left to the bone levers. Pull levers 2 and then 5. Go back and use the platform to open the door the fastest possible way Walkthrough User. Go through the gate, then look through a small window to the left and you will overhear a conversation in the war room. Grab the rope from beneath your window, then back out of this room. Combine your stone and rope, then use this on the horn over the guard. Try to retrieve your rope, but the knot is too tight. Now head down and through the door into the war room. Look at the plan of action on the table, then leave the room and you will be captured.

Cliffside Village

Look in the haystack on the left to find a needle, then also take some hay. Talk to Gourney through the door, then pick up the food tray (you will also get a wooden spoon). Combine the needle and spoon. Use the food tray on the chute and you will end up with a sticky tray. Put your food tray into the food hatch beneath the door, then use your spoodle on the keyhole. Pick up the tray, which now has a key attached. Use your spoodle on the tray to remove the key, then use the key on the keyhole and exit your prison.

Go through the 3rd doorway to the right, and you will end up way up near the top of the village. Go through the door just to your left, then go through the door just to your right. Talk to the suit of armor, then pick up the club from the floor, and the bow and knife from the wall. Now close the door so that guy in the suit of armor thinks you have left. Now talk to the suit of armor again, and tell him that you will tell his boss Loucaux that you know where the cook is - you will eventually learn his recipe for mildew soup. Open the door and go outside again. Go through the door just to your left, then through the door just to your right, and you will return to the lower walkway.

Use your dull knife on the grindstone down here, then use your sharp knife on the rope to the left. Cross the drawbridge and enter the caverns to the left.


Look through the window again to see Spot trapped in a cage. Back out and use your spoodle on the knot, then walk down and collect the rope and coin from the ground. Head right again.

Cliffside Village

Enter the kitchen, which is just to the right of the grindstone. Pick up the rib from the floor, as well as the plate and chopsticks from the table. Use the chopsticks to catch the fly here. Continue left to find a large cauldron. Use your club on the furry animal here, then use your club on the gong 10 times Dinner is (almost) Ready! - you have to do this before actually creating the soup to get the achievement. Use your knife on the mushrooms on the floor here to collect some.

Leave the kitchen again and use your coin on the grindstone, then attach this to the rib to make an arrow. Combine this with your bow, then add your rope. Now head to the right and go around the corner. Shoot your rope with bow up to the wooden beam on the right, and you can then use the rope to swing across. Try to pick up the frog, but it jumps into the water. Place your sticky tray where it was sitting, then walk back towards the rope. After the frog returns, go and pick it up. Use the rope to swing back across, then head back into the kitchen.

Go to the back room and place the fly, mushrooms and frog into the cauldron. Now use your mouth on the cauldron to spit into it and finish the soup. Place hay on the fire, then blow on it to properly heat the soup. Use your plate on the cauldron to get a serving. Go out to the front room and place the plate on the table. Head into the back room and use your club on the gong. While Loucaux is eating, you can sneak past him. Return to the caverns on the left.


Look through the window and talk to Spot. Use Fire Spot and he will automatically burn through the cage. Now use Five Spot on the hole beneath the door to escape. Leave the caverns to the right.

Cliffside Village

Enter the kitchen and steal the master key from Loucaux. Return outside and around the corner to the right. Use the master key on the valve here. Turn the valve and the water level to the right will go up once. Go left and enter the prison to the left of the grindstone. Use Fire Spot on the haystack to reveal another valve. Use your master key on the valve, then turn it.

Back outside again, go through the doorway to the far right to reach the top of the village, then continue through the door to your left, then the door to your right. Examine the wall to the right of the suit of armor, then go through the secret passage to find another valve. Use your master key on the valve, then turn it. Go outside again and down to the bottom level using the same doorways as before. Now examine the door to the right of the kitchen - it has no handle. Leave and enter the caverns once more.


Use the master key on the door to the war room, then go inside. Use your club on the left stone disk, then go outside and you will be on the middle level of the village.

Cliffside Village

Go through the door to the right, and then another door to the right. Use your master key on the valve in here, then turn it. While you are here, close the door, and pick up the fork thing from the ground. Use your club to hit the stone disk with the left arrow twice. Open the door and head outside, then go through the door 2 to the left, and you will appear on the bottom level (through the door with no handle). Head to the far left into the caverns.


Look through the window and try to reach the bucket, then use your club to knock it to the ground. Return to the village.

Cliffside Village

Go up to the room on the middle level (using the door with no handle), and enter the room on the right. Use your club to hit the left stone disk once more, then return outside, down and to the caverns.


Go through the door into the war room and pick up the bucket. Leave the caverns again.

The Whispered World Game

Cliffside Village

Walk around the corner to the right and you will see the water-wheel is now turning. Combine your fork thing and bucket, then use this on the lever above you. Use Five Spot on the bucket, then change him to Ball Spot and an elevator will appear. Enter the elevator.

Train Station

Pick up the round stone, then head left to find a train station. Talk to Maurice the Station Agent - you need to accept 4 different jobs to work for him, as well as convincing him to change the name to 'Maurice's Medium Museum' and then reduce the entrance fee to 8 gold coins. Now remove the pantaloons and shirt from the clothesline, before taking the clothesline itself. Next use your club in the garden. Add the chopsticks and then the shirt to scare the birds away. Talk to Maurice again, then you will be able to enter the train station.

Look at the opening to the right of the chest. Insert your fork thing into the opening, then pull the lever, but something is missing from the elevator. Use Grandpa's pantaloons on the cogwheels, then pull the lever again - now the elevator door closes too quickly. Attach your clothesline to the stake inside the elevator, then use Ball Spot on the cord. Pull the lever once more Leaf Spot. Now remove the pantaloons and use Leaf Spot on the cogwheels. Use your knife on the shelf support so that it begins to lean. Use the pantaloons on the lever. Put the round stone on the shelf, then immediately get into the elevator.

Use Leaf Spot in the fire box, then change him to Fire Spot to light a fire in the train. Now use Leaf Spot on the immobilizer system, then change him to Ball Spot to break the lock The Train to Corona.

Chapter 4: Corona


Use Leaf Spot on the gap beneath the gate, and then you will be in control of Spot alone. Now follow these instructions in order:

  • Fire Spot: Burn the tuft of grass to the left of the seesaw
  • Five Spot: Enter the mouse-hole next to the seesaw
  • Ball Spot: Jump down to the seesaw
  • Normal Spot: Quickly change to this form before the stone lands, and you will end up on the house roof
  • Five Spot: Enter the rain drain to the right
  • Ball Spot: Change to this form to tip over the barrel
  • Five Spot: Enter the mouse-hole next to the seesaw
  • Ball Spot: Jump down to the seesaw
  • Five Spot: Quickly change to this form before the stone lands, and you will end up on the barn roof
  • Five Spot: Drop through the roof of the barn and fall into a sock
  • Ball Spot: Move to the right to be in front of the post
  • Five Spot: Change to this form to knock the colander to the ground
  • Fire Spot: Change to this form to light a fire beneath the pantaloons
  • Ball Spot: Jump down on to the wheel to open the gate

If you do this perfectly without mistakes, you will receive another achievement Master of the Spot Parcours. Now pick up the stick from the ground and the pantaloons from the shrub on the left before going through the gate.


Enter the barn and talk to Bobby. Back outside, take note of the blue banner hanging above the castle entrance, then go inside to the throne room. Look at the floor mosaic and the wall mosaic, then look at the shield up on the balcony. Use Leaf Spot on the shield, then change to Ball Spot to reveal a chain. Now move the tapestry to the left and pull the lever that is revealed. Try to exit through the doorway, but it closes before you have a chance. Pull the lever again, then quickly move the tapestry and put your stick in the chain. Now you can head out to the balcony.

Climb the stairs here and you will reach the astrolab. Talk to the astronomer, but you cannot understand him. Look at the encyclopedias in the bookshelf to the left. Move the books on the 2nd shelf so they are in the correct order (A-G, H-N, O-U, V-Z). Now talk to the astronomer about everything. Pick up the chalk from upstairs, then go down and collect the moon ornament, crank, key and rapper (from the side of the bookshelf).

Return down to the throne room. Use your new key on the lock next to the throne, then search the secret compartment to get pliers, a handsaw and a crowbar. Use the crowbar on the floor mosaic to lift up the loose mosaic tile. Use this tile on the wall mosaic. Solve the two adjacent 9-piece sliding tile puzzles to recreate the insignia from the banner out on the balcony. Once you are done, insert your loose mosaic tile into the gap at the bottom, and you will realise it needs to be painted light royal blue.

Head outside to the courtyard and use your rapper on the door at the base of the tower, then go inside to find a laboratory. Take the empty flask, and place it beneath the blender at the very bottom on the left. You need to adjust the various blenders to create an appropriate starting blue color. Set the valves as follows:

Now open the tap on the bottom blender to fill your empty flask, then pick it up. Go outside and use your crank on the well; you will automatically bring up the bucket filled with water. Take the bucket, then return to the laboratory. Open the chest here and take the mortar and pestle from inside. Use this on your chalk, then put the chalk powder into your bucket of water. Combine this with the flask of blue paint to make light royal blue. Now use this on your mosaic tile and it will have the correct color.

Return to the throne room and save your game. Now use your tile on the wall mosaic and place it in the empty slot Shove Off! If you want to get all achievements, reload your game and use your mosaic tile on the wall mosaic, then select to skip the mini-game by clicking the red X button at the top right. Use your tile in the empty slot. Now you can go through the door to the left to find the dungeon.

The Whispered World Special Edition

Take the bone hand from the round cage, then attach you edged moon ornament to the bone stump. Use the pantaloons from your inventory on the hook hanging to the right. Place Normal Spot in the pantaloons. Climb into the small cage, then change to Ball Spot. Now get out of the cage and take the olives from the fallen olive branch. Leave the dungeon and go back outside to the laboratory.

Save your game, then put the olives into the large glass bulb on the right. Use Fire Spot to heat up the large glass bulb, and olive oil will start flowing through the pipes. Now you need to rotate the pipes to direct the flow of oil up to the flask in the window. There are two corks that you can use to plug holes; if you turn pipes so the corks aren't needed temporarily, they will appear on the table so you can pick them up from there Tubelicious! If you want to get all achievements, reload your game and start the mini-game by using the olives and Fire Spot on the large glass bulb, then select to skip the mini-game by clicking the red X button at the top right. You will now get an achievement if you have used the skip feature for all 4 mini-games Saving Time. Use Five Spot on the flask in the window to knock it down.

The Whispered World Special Edition Download Free

Go outside, then into the barn and look in the cow's trough. Use your bucket on the cow to get the oil, then pick up the cord. Now return to the dungeon. Use Fire Spot on the brazier on the right. Use your handsaw on the rack to make a hole, then push the brazier behind the rack. Next use your pliers on the bed of nails, and you will end up collecting 4 nails. Put Leaf Spot on the rack and you will automatically nail him in place. In your inventory, combine the pliers, bone hand and tether cord, then use this combination of items on Spot to retrieve the Whispering Stone.

Leave the dungeon, and go out to the balcony, then up to the astrolab. Try to pour oil from your bucket into the grease tube on the left of the machine; the astronomer tells you to use a funnel. Go up the stairs and use your nails on the blackboard, then pick up the ear trumpet. Use this on the grease tube, then pour in the oil from your bucket. Now attach your Whispering Stone to the console of the machine. Talk to the astronomer about the stones/planets again, then look at the blackboard. Now go and read the encyclopedia on the top shelf to get some clues about the planets.

Go all the way to the laboratory in the base of the tower and look at the periodic table to the right of the doorway. Return to the astrolab. Now using the information you have gathered, start with the bottom position (where you just inserted the Whispering Stone) and put the colored stones as follows going in a clockwise manner:

  • Yellow (Pornitus)
  • Red (Vernicus)
  • Purple (Avrius)
  • Green (Frobble)
  • Blue (Silentia)

Use your crank on the gearbox to the left, and the water will start flowing. After Spot transforms, talk to the astronomer about everything. Use your empty flask on the flowing fountain. Use your crank on the exposed cogwheels in the base of the machine and time will stop. Head outside.

Broken World

After the conversation, go into the throne room. Talk to Loucaux and you will be thrown in the dungeon. Talk to the messenger. Try to take the pebbles from the window ledge, but you cannot reach them. Talk to the dungeon door and ask for a different cell. Now you can take the pebbles. Use the pebbles on the messenger, and you cage will be moved again. Now pick up the stone wedge. Use the stone wedge on the pulley above the messenger's cage, then throw pebbles at him again.

Pick up the flask and Spot's cocoon. Get back into the cage and it will return up to the dungeon. Pick up the crowbar, then talk to the dungeon door and ask to see Loucaux. Ask to be his clown, then say you can burp the alphabet, and spell out L-O-U-C-A-U-X. Head outside and search the monster's saddlebag to get some bombs. Talk to the guard about everything, then go back inside and head up to the balcony. Use your crowbar on the hoses.

The Whispered World Special Edition Download Full

Go out to the balcony and up to the astrolab. Use your crowbar on the telescope and you will automatically get a shard of glass. Use this on the astronomer to free him, then pick up the rope. Use the rope on the funnel to get it covered in oil. Combine the rope with the bombs. Take the funnel, then head back up to the telescope. Put the bombs into the telescope. Add the funnel and then Spot's cocoon. Finally, use your glass shard on the beam of light coming in through the window.

Returned Light

Go through the door on the other side of the balcony. Try to cross the bridge and it will break. Talk to Loucaux when he confronts you, then use your flask on the rain drain next to you. After you are saved, pick up Grandpa's pantaloons, then enter the King's spire. Use the pantaloons with the mirror. Try to use your crowbar to break the left mirror 10 times Mirror, Mirror. Now use your crowbar to break the right mirror The Boy in the Mirror.

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